In de kosterswoning is een galerie gevestigd waar werk wordt getoond en verkocht van de kunstenaars die als artist-in-residence in Zundert hebben gewerkt.
Van GoghGalerie
Elisabethlaan 1a
4881 DA Zundert
Woensdag t/m zondag van 12.30 tot 16.30 uur.
Toegang gratis.
November 2024
Samuel Sarmiento
Samuel Sarmiento (Venezuela, 1987) heeft in oktober 2024 gewerkt in het gastatelier van het Van GoghHuis. De resultaten daarvan worden tot eind november gepresenteerd in de Van GoghGalerie.
‘The concepts of north and south, as well as up and down, are subjective constructions. So coming from an island in the north of South America, I decided to visit the birthplace of the painter Vincent van Gogh, who was born in the south but always lived closer to the sky than the earth. Seeking to understand the landscape and the light, I can define my experience at Van Gogh AiR as a starting point in my work to develop a universal language that uses everyday life to build sacred stories. During this time of creation, I understood Vincent’s importance not only as an artist but also as a human and a living archetype of a person ahead of his time’, aldus Sarmiento.